Name: Red
Occupation: Kamikaze Bird
Fav Weapon: Even break between Rockets and Flak, but Shock at distances.
Fighting Style: Super Aggressive and fast moving. Prefering Ariel stunts

Ways to get me after you:
Run away from me instead of fighting. ESPECIALLY if you run away while holding up the shield. I will chase you down if you run. No one gets away from me for good.
Save yourself the frusteration and just don't play like a coward. I've been known to make people quit when i get on their backs ;)

Camp. If i catch you camping, I'll stop going after everyone else and hunt you down repeatedly, until you stop camping. I am Anti-Camp Patrol.

UT Philosophy:
Just have fun, it's just a game, don't take it seriously. And don't play like a coward, you're not REALLY dying. Get out there and fight.

Why I joined psk: Well this is a funny one because I don't smoke pot, or anything for that matter.. I don't even drink! So why did I, as someone once put it, "join the stoner clan"?  Because the guys are really nice, and most of them are an absolute blast to play with. It took me a good few weeks to finally say okay, i'll join the pot clan even though I don't smoke.. But it's been worth it. The memebers are mostly super nice and just so much fun. If pot makes people THAT nice, then we should ALL smoke it!
Well, 'cept me, I'm still not gonna =P

UT Name Significance: It's supposed to just be "Red" but it's "R.E.D." because thats easier to find in UT. lots of people are named "Red" but how many are "R.E.D."? And who Red is, is a character of mine. explained below.

Whats with the big red bird: Thats Red! That IS Red. The character I play in UT is the character I created myself, and she just fit in perfectly with the UT universe. Blowing shit up and killing people bring her very much joy.
If you wanna read about who Red is, and see the REAL pictures of her, you can go here, which is her site page off my main site.
And if you want my Red Model, then go here to download it, and others!

What Else besides UT: Well I'm a Computer Animator, so when i'm working in that, that takes up most of my time. It can range from standard 40 hour weeks all the way up to 120+. I work mostly in the videogame industry, and most times you're just always under an impossible schedule that forces you to break your back and not sleep for days. Good thing I love it huh? At least I'm loving what i do while massively sleep deprived- i just don't love the sleep deprivation.
For a full list of what i've worked on, check out my resume.

Besides animation, I really do tons more. I have a comic that I put out for an online roleplaying guild. (comic is not updated currently), I do all kinds of graphics. Website, print, logos, stuff for UT clans, and so on. And then of course I draw alot. Most of my drawing these days is taken up by the comic, but I still try and find time to do other drawings, and sometimes people comisson me to do stuff for them too.
There really is way too much to list, but thats why I have a gallery site, so go check that out! It's my main one, and it has almost everything I've done since probably 97, except for my videogame work. I can't post that.

Beyond that, I play games of course, and like to go mountainbiking on trails if I can find them. And occasionally still rollerblade sometimes. Oh, and bowling is fun too.


Thats all for now. As i think of more stuff to put on this page, I will!
Hope that was nice and.. uhh.. educational, for ya!
Kickin ass on Curse 4
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Red Pinup- Oooohhh BABY!
Don't stare too much,
she might put a rocket through your head