What is psk?

Psk stands for "Pot Smoking Killas", but what does that mean?
It means we're POT SMOKING KILLAS!!!!! MUTHA F-
Oh, right, killas in WHAT.. okay.
Well that would be Unreal Tournament 2004, which is an online PC shooter.
We're a gaming clan, now does it make sense?
Just a group of friends that love to frag together, and in it for the fun of the game.
We consider ourselves pretty easy going fun people to play with, and are always up for bringing new people into the pack if they fit the bill.
We all know it's a game and 99% of the time, we don't take it seriously at all. Most players don't give a damn, and just want to play. We're not die hard freaks who practice all day and night and etc. We just play, and if we find eachother.. sweet! If not, well maybe tomorrow. Very casual.
You don't even have to be good! Just be fun, and be nice, and you're set.
Though most of us consider ourselves pretty good.... ^_-

The leader of the pack is Hand_solo, a real easy going guy who will kick your ass and never gloat about it. Laid back, easy going, and extremely dangerous in the game. Don't take his joking attitude to mean he's a pushover.

From there the chain of command goes kinda crazy..  ET_baby (who left) and Myraid are the other founders.

R.E.D. is the "pseudo leader". He runs most things as far as organization goes. Such as this site, and the forums, and handles other problems people have, and so on. He is often mistaken for the leader of psk- But don't be FOOLED! He's not. Just someone who keeps things organized, orderly, and hopefully pleasent.

EADGbe and IdleHands run the psk server. Ead is the big admin. He handles all the technical stuff like getting the maps loaded, and game types, zounds, and so on. Idle is there to pick up where Ead can't cover. Between the two of them, There is usually an admin not far to be found. But if all else fails, people go to Red.

Steevoh is the big technical admin of the psk message boards. He make the place all flashy and fun to visit. Red is still the admin, but Steevoh does all the stuff that makes Red want to put his head through the computer screen. Like.. HTML coding.

We're a very big clan, which people just seem drawn to. While we usually get alot of crap for that fact, we just don't care. People want to join us? If they're cool, so be it. We'll have 100 cool people if that many end up crossing out paths. Haters can hate all they want.

you can read about the history of psk below, but in summary!

UT2k4 gaming clan (DM, TAM mostly, but we screw around in everything)
People who just wanna have fun, not be "pro gamers"
Annnd oh yeah, you don't HAVE to smoke to be in, we just think thats a funny thing.. But not everyone in the clan smokes, so it doesn't matter. In fact, hardly any do, these days. Just have fun. Be nice, and make the game fun for others. Thats what we're about.

History of psk

Written by "ET_Baby" who has since left and moved on to HTM:

Hey whatz up people well i started playing in ut2k4 yah i know im a newb in a way. Pot Smoking Killa's got started after .m "mercenary's" modafucka.m decided to no longer have any thing to do with the clan he was the one whom started it with hand_solo well just about a month went by and solo myraid and i were talking and they both wanted to start a new clan it had to do something with pot so i suggested pot smoking killa's and one thing led to another we all three started wearing the psk tag and bada bing bada bang we got started so all three of us started it and we recruited some of .m's killer ass player's like R.e.d.psk and HAND_SOLO.psk and MYRAID.psk and me i was the mascott lol well thats that for now have fun ! P.S. SOLO and MYRAID, ETBABY187 are all from ARIZONA  :)

Added on by Red (as best as I can remember):

So, as it says above, we actually started from .m and when they broke up, psk formed. I don't think any of the founders ever expected us to get as big as we have, and as popular either.

Started out with just a small group of three, who were bugging everyone they knew was cool, to join up in psk. Idle joined instantly, and is nearly a founding member in that regard. I can't remember if he was in .m or not though...

Bei-Shung also came in from .m (i think he came before me.. can't remember) But then oddly.. he vanished for months.

I finally caved and went ahead- even if I didn't smoke pot. I was the oddball member who confused the UT world when I told them I'm a "pot smoking killa who doesn't smoke pot".

We stayed relatively small for awhile, and finally started building up a member base. Most people who joined us, joined because it was POT SMOKING killas! Scoob, Slack, Aunt, Juice, Jack5quat (since left to HTM) and 8Ball being some of the first. All potheads too (thats since changed a bit), but great guys and still some of our nicest players.

That was our number for a really long time. Occasionally adding on a new member every few months, like Ghost Zero, Rain, Raijin and Fzzfizzle.

Then, a few other guys we'd been playing with for ages, took interest and we gladly accepted them without even a second thought. Cannibal, Pollywog (who was actually a former .m buddy) and Prowler. Prowler, if you've ever seen him, is one of the best players out there, and the really awesome thing is that he's a hell of a nice guy too. We bugged him for months to join, and finally he actually did. I think that surprised just about everyone, because we didn't think he would ever join a clan- let alone our goofball one.

A little while later, TheCuteOne joined up, who is ET's sister. Even though he encourgaed her to do so, her being in psk was a problem for him. During a fight, he demanded she be kicked out. Since she wasn't, ET left to go to HTM instead. TheCuteOne (otherwise  known as "V") is still in psk today, but she doesn't play much. She just wants to watch, most of the time, and calls herself "the psk cheerleader".

Now with a rather hefty member count, psk started getting much more recognition. Some people loved us, and others hated us. We mainly played at a server called "ratmans" and frequenly would end up taking it over, though not on purpose. Still, this kind of publicity got people taking much more notice. Within a very short time, we found ourselves starting to get flooded with members joining. Cruise, Visualblind, Lynx, Dragun, Supernoob, Hammy, Kago, and Syn all joined pretty close between eachother. Syn and Kago we'd especially been playing with for a long time, but they were all good additions. Syn is actually an offline friend of Cannibal as well. And Cruise is the same with Visualblind

Now we ran into a problem we never expected to have: Too many members!

We cleaned house a bit, and decided to take more care in allowing people in, but that still didn't stop more from joining. SuperN@ds, someone we'd been playing with for awhile, got in easily. EADGbe also joined up, but not after getting a super long 45+ minute interview about why to join psk.. by Prowler. it was all kidding, but hilarious fun, and still referenced today as one of the best times. Just don't mention it to Ead..

We slowly picked up a few more members, all of which we'd been playing with for what seemed like forever. Gogandantes we'd all played with for months, if not a year. A_Stray_Bullet was a longtime friend of mine which goes back to my early early days on 2k4. And Havok21 was someone we'd been playing with for months, and we finally asked him to actually join us, not the other way around. Hav, at the time, took the typical "but.. I suck!" response, but he joined up and now he's actually one of our best players.

Remember Bei-Shung? who vanished? Yeah, he came back out of nowhere, not wearing the psk tag anymore and proceeded to give us loads of shit.. Why? Well, here, read it yourself!
Yeah, he went all "progamer" on us. Sadly, people who obsess over 1v1 tend to get huge egos. Ah well, thats his issue. We told him off, kciked him off the roster, and thats that.

Pepetratin' joined up after many months of playing, and Orgee was so to follow. Around this time, we decided to take a hard look at the roster again and kick out people who either vanished off the face of the earth, or were problems for us. THC, Silent, and M3tatronix were gone for vanishing.

Problem members for us at the time were Ghost Zero, Falkentyne, and Cruise.

Ghost Zero was someone who everyone disliked for a long time. His style of play was irritating (he just ran the entire map or hid. never sought you out or fought. Just ran), but we never wanted to be jerks and kick him over that.. because we want people to play their own way. Still, we finally decided to get rid of him. He claimed we were all poor losers, and went on to talk about how awesome he is.. But such is life. Some people don't get it.

Falkentyne was someone who had lots of anger management problems. I personally expected him to get over them, but he never did. At this time though, he apologized and said he would make a better effort to be calm. He ended up leaving a few months later to join another clan and become a "pro gamer" (yes, another one). Incidentally, we saw him clanless again not long after.. and now he doesn't talk to us. Oh well, right?

Cruise was a great guy, but he talked way too much shit. For those that knew him, we mostly blew it off, but for others.. this was a huge problem, and people started labeling us based on his actions. Join a server and get slammed, or questioned, repeatedly. Cruise however, decided to leave on his own and spare us the problems from his actions. We're all still friends with him though, and he even refers to us as "my brothas".

Finally this brings us to the present.

Melenia joined up after hanging out with a bunch of members, Making our second girl to join the clan!

ChillingDeath joined up after playing with us for a long time, and finally being asked if he wanted to. Took a bit of coercing, but he did eventually hop on board.

SevRd comes from <c>, and just wanted to get into a place less serious and hopefully lacking drama. We aim to keep it that way as much as possible.

OneEightSeven actually joined with Stray, but with confusion (someone else was using his name/machine) in the past, we had him rejoin, and it's all good now.

Steevoh came in because of Idle, who introduced him to all of us. He's been with us a short time now, but very nice and helpful, constantly trying to just offer up any help if he can. He currently helps with the new message boards, which is a HUGE help.

OoklaTheMok was someone I've been playing with since possibly all the way back with Stray in the early days. He's been a longtime friend of mine, and I finally asked him to join after getting permission from the others. Not a hard choice at all.

And our newest.. Gloinar and Shagg. Shagg is Scoob's friend, which instantly makes us our friend. Lucky, the guy is actually nice and fun! So we're not instantly friends with a total prick. And Gloinar is someone new to clans, and we brought him in to hopefully give him a nice first clan experience.

Our members ARE our history. But what else?

We've made a bunch of friends with a few other clans like HTM, SBD and KHz. For the longest time, HTM, SBD, and psk were considered "one big family". We were more than humbled to be part of that, as they both have been around for far longer than us. KHz is a new friend, who we mainly got by taking over their TAM server damn near every day. Luckily, they don't mind that, and love playing with us. The leader over there, "The Third" even posted that he trusts us as much as his own. A hell of a compliment.

There are many other little details, but thats for another day.

Psk gets alot of crap generally from being so large. Lots of people mock us for it, some think we're a bunch of losers with no skill, and others just hate us because they have nothing better to do and find us an easy target. Still, we keep doing what we've been doing, and we continue to make new friends and have fun. Thats what we're always gonna be about, and it's never going to change. Considering how many members  and friends we got from that philosophy.. seems to be working out pretty well, wouldn't you say?


So, that sounds good to you?

Well bear in mind that if you want to join, we don't really like applicants we don't know, and it's still a rather lengthy acceptance. If we know you, then all we have to do is vote on it.

Voting takes about a week usually, but can go faster is you get lucky.

If we don't know you, then we have to play with you for awhile and get to know you first.
Don't take this personal, we just want to keep our big group as best as we can keep it.
"Best" does not mean skilled. Skill is good, but if you're a prick? We don't care if you're the best player in the world. You're not getting in. We value being friendly and fun, over skillful.

If thats okay for you, then go post in our recruiting section and introduce yourself. Tell us about who you are, what stuff you like, and why you want to get into psk.

If you're nice, and enjoyable to play with, you have nothing to worry about. Just give us some time to see that. And feel free to hang out, post on our boards, and whatever else, until you get in.
Just have fun!

Seeya Around!

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About psk:
What is psk?HistoryRecruiting
What is psk?HistoryRecruiting
What is psk?HistoryRecruiting